Local Borrower Policy - Library Information and Policies - LibGuides at DACC Library
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Residents of Community College District 507 age 18 and over are eligible to use the Danville Area Community College Library as Local Borrowers.
Local Borrower card registrants must present a photo ID as proof of age, and additional proof of eligible residency if the ID address is not current. Registration cards must include the Local Borrower’s current address, phone number, state ID number, and signature for approval.
Local Borrower cards are valid for one year after the registration date. Card holders are responsible for keeping their registration current. Any changes in contact information should be brought to the attention of the library staff in order to continue valid card use. Falsifying or deliberately withholding current contact information will result in the immediate termination of Local Borrower privileges. Local borrowers should become familiar with the DACC Library's Borrowing Privileges to understand their rights and responsibilities.
Children under age 18 must be accompanied at all times by a valid Local Borrower card holder.
The following services are provided to Local Borrowers free of charge:
Use of the DACC Library photocopier and scanner are permitted for Local Borrowers. A fee of 10¢ per page for the photocopier applies.
Computer Access:
Registered Local Borrowers may use a dedicated computer near the circulation desk for one half hour per day. Users must sign in and out at the circulation desk before using the computer and after their time has expired.
All other Library computers are reserved for DACC student use only. DACC’s Career Services office (Cannon Hall) has a limited number of computers available for job search and career advancement use. Veterans are welcome to use the Veterans’ Multipurpose Center in Cannon Hall Rm 214 for limited computer access.
Educators, DACC alumni, and students from I-Share institutions may inquire with library staff regarding expanded library privileges.