Computer and Internet Use Policy Including Copyright
Use of the computers and internet in the DACC library is permitted in accordance with Board Policy 2012.0.
In accordance with the Library Bill of Rights, the DACC Library respects the rights of library users to have free access to information available to them via the internet within the Acceptable Use guidelines stipulated in Board Policy 2012.0. DACC does use a minimally intrusive filtering software.
Library computers are primarily for use by students, faculty and staff engaged in the educational activities of the college. Priority will be given to these users for specifically educational purposes in any case where there is a shortage of available equipment.
All library users listening to or watching media with sound must use headphones and must keep audio levels sufficiently low so that noise leakage is not a problem to other patrons or staff.
The campus WiFi public network is accessible throughout most of the library. The campus Acceptable Use guidelines apply to its use.
Danville Area Community College Library follows the Board Policy 6031.0 on copyright. For more detailed information about Copyright, see the Copyright and Fair Use libguide.