How Many Books May I Check Out?
There is no upper limit on the number of books you can check out from the DACC library. Other I-Share libraries, however, may have limits that they impose.
How Long May I Keep Checked Out Items?
Books check out for 4 weeks and may be renewed twice. Users may renew them online by logging into "My Account" in EasySearch. Videos may be checked out for 1 week but may not be renewed. Textbook reserves are limited strictly to 2 hours. General reserve items, new videos and other types of items have different circulation rules and periods.
How Do I Renew an Item I Have Checked Out? Can I Renew a Reserve Item?
Users may renew them online by logging into "My Account" in EasySearch. Reserve items cannot be renewed. Fines of $1/day are charged on Reserve items. (It is $1/hour for items that check out by the hour.) The checkout period for reserve items are set by the course instructor.
How Do I Return Books and Videos?
Return books to the circulation desk (or to the slot on the side of the desk) or to either of the two drop boxes. One drop box is located on the stoop on the brick road between Clock Tower and Lincoln Hall. The other is inside Clock Tower in the wall next to the Library Entrance.
Return Reserve items and videos to the circulation desk to a library staff member. This is to assure that they get checked in promptly. If you return a video or reserve item to a drop box, it may not get checked in until the next day (or the following Monday if it is the end of the week), leaving you responsible for the fines that add up while the item sits in the drop box.