Upload a Reading List - Faculty Resources - LibGuides at DACC Library
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If you have a reference list that you'd like to turn into a reading list, the Library can set it up for you. Please email the library to notify us of what you're doing and clarify the course information.
To upload an entire list, you will use the Leganto interface directly.
Upload your Reading List from the Welcome screen. Simply drag or browse for your file and upload it. We'll take care of the rest.
Click the dropdown arrow on the Create List button and select Import List.
The filetypes are lgn (a specific filetype used for Leganto, the reading list tool, if you create the list on this platform), RIS (a filetype used by many citation tools), BibTex, and Reference. Reference is the one to choose to upload a PDF copy of your reading list. For most faculty using this service, Reference will be the best choice.
Once Library staff set up your initial Reading List, you can move or switch out items in Leganto as much as you need to.