E-Resources Troubleshooting - Online Help - LibGuides at DACC Library Skip to Main Content

Online Help

Using E-Resources

Can't Access an E-Resource? Follow These Steps!

If you are trying to use an e-resource from off-campus (or your own computer on campus) and can't get in, try these steps.

  1. Logging In -- You should be prompted to log in at some point in the process. If you are on campus, you log in when you sign on to the computer, but if you are off-campus or using your own computer you will be directed to DACC campus log in page. If you are running into trouble logging in, do the following.

    1. If you've logged in successfully on other occasions SLOW DOWN. Try typing your user ID and password with a single finger. It forces you to be absolutely sure about what you are typing. This solves a lot of problems.
    2. If you've never set up your password, you'll need to go to the campus reset site: https://rapss.dacc.edu/react/
    3. If you still are unable to log in, contact the Help Desk.
  2. If your problem is strictly with a database or ebook, follow these steps:
    1. Try accessing the site with a different browser. If you're using Chrome, try Edge or Firefox. Sometimes browser settings (especially High Security settings) cause problems with specific sites.
    2. Check your internet connection if you are using WiFi or a hot spot. 
    3. If you are using a computer, try accessing the site on your smartphone (and vice versa). You may discover that the problem is from a setting in your browser on your computer or phone -- pop-up blockers or security settings can be a particular issue, especially with Noodletools. 
    4. Try accessing a different library database. This well help you determine if the problem is strictly an issue with the vendor. If it is, take a half hour and try again. Vendors are typically very quick to try and get resources up and running.
    5. Clear your browser cache. Overstuffed caches slow things down and cause reliability problems. You may have a broken version of the database cached.
    6. Contact the library through the TALK TO A LIBRARIAN box on this page. While we are in and out of databases fairly regularly, we often don't know if a problem exists with a resource. We'll walk you through it and if necessary contact the vendor regarding a problem. But we can't do that if we don't know!
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