Finding a Journal or Magazine - Online Help - LibGuides at DACC Library
Skip to Main ContentIf you want to see if the library provides online access to a specific newspaper, magazine or journal, use EasySearch's Periodical A-Z search.
Then simply type in the title of interest in the search box.
If the title is available it will appear in the results list.
Click on the title to see which databases include the online version and the dates for which access is available. Click on a database name to see the publication in that database.
To discover what online journals and magazines (NOT articles) the library has on a specific subject, click Search by the empty search box on the library's main page.
Click the Periodical Titles A-Z button to begin whole Journal searching.
Select the most appropriate subject class to get at your topic.
For example, to find Radiology publications, start with Health and Biological Sciences.
To get to our specific topic, we continue to select narrower categories until we arrive at the one closest to our interest. In this example, we select medicine, and then Radiology, MRI, Ultrasonography & Medical Physics.
Click on any title in the resulting list to see more information.
Click on the database title or resource link to go to the journal itself, where you will be able to look at tables of contents within individual issues.