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Reading Lists: A Practical Guide

Build a Reading List in 5 Steps!


1. Install Reading List in Your Canvas Shell 

  1. Select Settings on your Course Menu.
  2. Click on Navigation.
  3. Move Reading List from the Not Visible to Students part of the navigation menu up to the top portion of the menu to make it visible to your students.

You can also create a list directly in Leganto at this link: https://i-share-dac.alma.exlibrisgroup.com/leganto/login?institute=01CARLI_DAC&auth=SAML

If you create your list in Leganto directly, you will link your list with your course instead of creating a new one. 

2. Create Your List

  1. Click on Reading List and select "Create a New List from Scratch".
  2. Select a template -- either Default or Weeks. Choose the number of sections in your template. 

Sections can be manipulated after the list is created.

3. Add Items to Your Reading List

Click ADD ITEM + to add materials to the list in 4 possible ways.

  • Choose Library Search to add material from the library’s collection.
  • Choose Favorites to add items you've found previously and saved there.
  • Choose Upload a File to use files you've created.
  • Choose Manual Entry to use an empty citation form -- you can add what information you know about a source you're looking for and the library will identify and add the item for you.
  • Choose Favorites to add items from the internet that you've gathered with the Cite It! tool.
  1. Copy the Cite It! Tool from your settings menu in the course.
  2. Use Cite It! to capture internet links and their citation information and save them. Choose Collection to save them for later use or add them directly to your Reading List. Use links from Amazon to initiate Purchase requests.

4. Tag Items and Add Notes

Use tags to guide students and help them plan their time. Select from Essential, Further Reading, Optional Choice or Extra Credit.

  • Essential -- students must read this. Essential tags will also trigger a purchase request to the library for material the library doesn't own in an electronic form. Essential textbooks are an exception because textbook publishers do not sell e-editions to libraries.
  • Further resources for interested students -- students are encouraged to read these to improve understanding
  • Reading Choice -- use these for times when students must choose between various reading selections, such read one of the optional reading choices
  • Extra Credit -- use for extra credit reading opportunities

Use the note fields of an item to provide additional information to students, such as specifying a range of pages. You can also include private notes accessible only to you.

5. Click My List is Ready

Click My List is Ready to send your list to the library. We will make it available to students. The Library will review it for copyright, process digitization requests, and purchase essential eBooks.

  • You don’t need to worry about telling the Library when you make updates. We run reports every night to pick up new items that you have added to a list to begin processing them.
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