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Reading Lists: A Practical Guide

What are Reading Lists?

Reading lists improve the student experience by making course materials inexpensive and easy to engage with across their courses. 

How do Reading Lists help me?

Reading lists offer instructors several advantages.

  • Lower students' course costs by taking advantage of resources the library provides. By providing digital access to as many course resources as possible you make your course more economical and equitable.
  • Increase student engagement with course reading by using the embedded student discussion option. Or upload PDFs of your notes or sample papers as PDFs and add notes directly to the document and invite student responses within the PDF.
  • Request the library purchase materials or digitize chapters of the library's print collection that will directly benefit your students' coursework. 
  • Using a print textbook? Let us digitize the first reading assignment so students are ready to go on Day 1.
  • Link easily to streaming resources licensed by the library.
  • Link easily to web resources using the Cite It! tool that also provides students with the citation information they need.
  • Monitor student engagement with course readings through analytics.
  • Feel confident that you are following campus copyright policies.
  • Rolling over your reading assignments from semester to semester is very easy.

How do I create a Reading List?

Use the Quick Start Guide and follow the 5 easy steps!

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